10 Unknown facts about Ants..! Did you know about this?

1) There are over 12,000 species worldwide.

2)Ants can carry 50 times weigh of their weight. The amount an ant can carry depends on species of ants. example: The Asian weaver ant can lift 100 times of their own weight.

3)Ants don't have lungs.

4)Ants don't have ears.

5)The Bullet ant has the most painful sting in the world.

6) The ant is one of the world's strongest creatures in relation to its size.

7) Ants hold the record of the fastest movement in the animal kingdom.

8) Ants can be found on every single content except Antarctica.

9) Ants are social insects they live in colonies.

10) The largest ants nest ever found is 3,700 miles wide.

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