What is color of air? Is Air is colorless?

What is the color of Air? We feel air everywhere in the world but you know that what is the color of air? OR the air is colorless? So, today we are going to know the answer to this question? These questions are always disturbing us and we try to find their answer but we can't do it easily. So, let's start the answer.
why air is colorless, layers of atmosphere.
                                                               image from pixabay

We all know that air colorless, a tasteless mixture of gases available in the earth's atmosphere. The air consists mostly of Nitrogen and Oxygen. It is the part of the earth's atmosphere where humans, animals, and plants live and breathe in oxygen to sustain life.

Actually, the atmosphere is also known as air has no color. As you know the sky is not always blue.
The air is transparent that means we can see through it or light can pass through it easily. It means the air doesn't have any color but when the sun shines on earth's atmosphere the light bent and scattered by many particles in the air. 

You may also think like this that most of the air is made of a mixture of gases like Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen, etc. These gases also have no color so air is. 

Consist of Atmosphere

Earth's Atmosphere consists of 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, 0.9% Argon, 0.03% Carbon dioxide with a very small percentage of other elements and our atmosphere also contains a huge amount of water vapor.
                                                               source: google search
The atmosphere contains an astounding amount of water vapor approximately 37.5 million billion gallons. This amount is enough to cover all the surface of this planet with 1 inch of rain condensed. This amount is recycled through evaporation powered by the sun. This process is known as The hydrologic cycle.  This process happens 40 times per year.

Definition of Hydrologic cycle: 

The sequence of conditions through which water passes from vapor in the atmosphere through precipitation upon land or water and ultimately back into the atmosphere as a result of evaporation and transportation called also Hydrologic cycle.

What color could be when air liquefied?

Pure air is Blue in color and this is also true for pure water. The color of air is impossible to see unless you liquefied the air.

What are the 5 types of atmosphere?

Earth's atmosphere has 5 main layers, given below:
  • The Exosphere
The Exosphere is the highest layer of the atmosphere. It was extremely thin and is located where the atmosphere merges the outer space. The air in the exosphere is a mixture of mainly Helium and Hydrogen.
  • The Thermosphere
The Thermosphere is the fourth layer of the atmosphere. The Thermosphere is located above The Mesosphere and below The Exosphere. The Thermosphere begins from 53-56 miles above from the earth's surface. The Thermosphere extends to 311-621 miles from the earth's surface.
  • The Mesosphere
The Mesosphere's atmosphere is low density and made up of  Oxygen, Carbon dioxide,  and Nitrogen. Most of the meteors are burned up in the mesosphere and this is a fact. The top of the atmosphere is the coldest part of the atmosphere. The Mesosphere starts at 31 miles and extends to 53 miles above Earth's surface.
  • The Stratosphere
The stratosphere is the second layer of the atmosphere when you go upward. The stratosphere extends 8-30 miles above the troposphere. The Stratosphere contains over 15% mass of the atmosphere. The ozone layer is also located in the stratosphere.
  • The Troposphere
The Troposphere is the closest layer to the earth's surface. The Troposphere is bonded on the top by a layer of air called the tropopause, which separates the troposphere from the stratosphere. The Troposphere consists of 3 quarter mass of the atmosphere.
In short:-  Air has no color but liquid air is blue in color.

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