
Showing posts from April, 2020

After all how we know that how dinosaurs look like?

We all know something about Dinosaurs: The giant animals on earth. And we also know different species of dinosaurs, but ever you thought that "How we know how they look like?". Some of us answer from the fossils of dinosaurs, it is true in some of the cases not in all of the cases because we never found a complete dinosaur skeleton. So how can you be sure? Animated image of Tyrannosaurus-X Image by  AzDude  from  Pixabay    In short, we all know what dinosaur skeletons look like from the many fossils of which they survive. But what about their skin? What they eat? and the most important one is"What were they like as babies?". We all have an idea about dinosaurs because we all had seen dinosaurs into movies and glossy pictures, but how close is the Hollywood images of dinosaurs to real-life dinosaurs?. Aspect all we'll see researchers have learned a lot about all of these aspects of dinosaurs. Paleontologist: You know that what is Paleontologist? S...

What is color of air? Is Air is colorless?

What is the color of Air? We feel air everywhere in the world but you know that what is the color of air? OR the air is colorless? So, today we are going to know the answer to this question? These questions are always disturbing us and we try to find their answer but we can't do it easily. So, let's start the answer.                                                                image from pixabay We all know that air colorless, a tasteless mixture of gases available in the earth's atmosphere. The air consists mostly of Nitrogen and Oxygen. It is the part of the earth's atmosphere where humans, animals, and plants live and breathe in oxygen to sustain life. Actually, the atmosphere is also known as air has no color. As you know the sky is not always blue. The air is transparent that means we can see through it or light c...

20 Cool Brain facts you didn't know.

The brain is one of the most important parts of our body. We know that every multicellular animals and plant have their mind but the human brain is powerful than them. Today I'm going to tell you 20 interesting facts about the human brain. So let's start with a countdown.                                                 Image by  Gerd Altmann  from  Pixabay   1) The brain is the fattiest organ in the body. The brain contains 100 billion neurons or nerve cells. This amount is approximately equal to 15 times the total human population on earth. 2) Your brain hates repetitive sounds. This called "Misophonia" the "hatred of sound". 3) Our mind has the ability to detect and sense danger. So, If your gut tells you, something is wrong never ignore that feeling. 4) The human mind only maintains complete trust once on each person. So, Please take...

15 Crazy and Unknown facts about Mathematics you didn't know.

"MATHEMATIC" most students hate this subject, I don't know why. But mathematic is a truth and we can't replace it with another. Today I'm going to tell you some crazy and unknown facts about mathematic.  These facts are commonly based on casual mathematic, concepts of "Possibilities" and also concepts of "Permutation and Combination". Math formula 1) Multiplying 21978 by 4 reverses the order of the number: 87912, And also     Dividing 87912 by 4 reverses the order of the number: 21987 2) 2,520 is the smallest number that can be divided by all the numbers 1 to 10.             3) There are 177,147 ways to tie a tie, according to Mathematicians. 4) The largest prime number ever found is more than 22 million digits long. 5) Multiplying 1089 by 9 the answer be = 9801 6) Students who chew gum have better math test scores than those who don't. This was founded in a study. So let's start to chewing gum. 7) I...

Amazing sites you did't visited..!

 Hello, friends. I know you all are getting bored but time is up. There are some amazing sites available to make your day interesting. So let's start to kill your time.                                                        image from pixabay Also, see this:  Crazy websites you didn't know existed. 1)  The Endless Horse   This is quite different than other websites. I have no more to say about this website. You have to just click and enjoy this website. Can you find the end of the horse? 2)  Passive-aggressive Password This really makes you angry. Can you really create a strong password? You just have to go to this site, this site will ask for type a password. Then the game begins. Best of luck to create a strong password. 3)  Follow the pointer  This website makes you king. This really a time k...

10 Unknown facts about Ants..! Did you know about this?

1) There are over 12,000 species worldwide. 2)Ants can carry 50 times weigh of their weight. The amount an ant can carry depends on species of ants. example: The Asian weaver ant can lift 100 times of their own weight. 3)Ants don't have lungs. 4)Ants don't have ears. 5)The Bullet ant has the most painful sting in the world. 6) The ant is one of the world's strongest creatures in relation to its size. 7) Ants hold the record of the fastest movement in the animal kingdom. 8) Ants can be found on every single content except Antarctica. 9) Ants are social insects they live in colonies. 10) The largest ants nest ever found is 3,700 miles wide.

Did You Know This Fact ?

                                                                                                  Image by  neo tam  from  Pixabay   Today I'm going to tell you some unknown and unbelievable facts and some of these facts you can't believe. So let's start.  More than 50% of people in the world have never made or received a telephone call. Do you believe this? Every odd number has at least an "e" in it.  Example: 1- on e , 3- thr ee , etc. Iceland consumes more Coca-Cola per capita than any other nation. From 0-1000, The only number that has the letter "a" in it is "one thous a nd. Interesting! we never realize this. It's possible to lead a cow upstairs, but not downstairs.  You know that only fo...

The Diamond Planet "Super Earth"

Space is fulfilled with mysteries and thrill. But today I'm going to tell you some amazing planets in space. So without wasting your time let's start. Diamond is a very precious element on earth, But Earth's diamond has a new competition with a diamond-like a planet. A planet "Super-Earth", called 55 Cancri E. This planet was discovered in 2004 and it was located in a nearby star of our milky way galaxy. Scientists studying this planet and the sun of this planet and they are saying that "This rocky planet is mainly made of carbon in the form of diamond and graphite. And also iron, silicon, carbide, and potentially silicates. This planet is at least about 40 lightyear from Earth in the constellation of cancer. There are only five planets in this solar system. The planet 55 Cancri E has a diameter twice than Earth's diameter, and mass eight times greater, that's why this called "Super-Earth".                         ...

What is Artificial Intelligence(A.I.)..?

All of us using AI in our daily life like Google, Alexa, Siri, etc. Also, Jarvis is an AI. We all know Jarvis and Ultron in movies. Before some time we can't imagine the world based on AI, But today we are working with them. So let's know them. What exactly Artificial Intelligence? AI is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of machines that work and react like humans. AI works by combining large amounts of data with fast, iterative processing and intelligent algorithms, allowing the software to learn automatically from patterns or features in the data. It provides human-like thinking ability to these AI and this process is too interesting. There are 4 types of AI is available:   1)Reactive machines 2)Limited machines 3)Theory of mind 4)Self-awareness There are 3 types of AI by generation: 1)Narrow or weak AI 2)General or strong AI 3)Artificial superintelligence   We have currently only achieved 1st gen...

10 things you should know about our solar system

                                                            If you are thinking that you know all about our solar system here some facts are available, you should have to know these facts about our solar system. Let's start our journey of the solar system. 1) Our solar system is 4.5 billion years old Our solar system is ancient. The age of our solar system is nearly 4.568 billion years old. If the timeline of the universe we measure on cosmos calendar, humans come only some second before in the universe. 2) A day is longer than a year on Venus                                                                 Image by  WikiImages  from  Pixaba Venu...


                                                       Photo by  NASA  on  Unsplash The Sun is 400 times larger than the moon but is 400 times further away from earth. That's the thing making them appear the same size. If you ever stepped on the moon, your footprints would remain there forever. Because of less friction on the moon's surface. How big the sun is ?...1 million earth can fit insides the sun. The Sunset on Mars appears blue. The furthest manmade object is Voyager -1. It has messages for aliens on board in many different languages. Saturn would float if you put it in water. Because the density of Saturn is less than the density of water.  1 year on Mercury consists of less than two days of Mercury. 1 day of mercury consists of 58 days:15 hour:30 minutes of earth. Every year, the moon is moving away from ea...

Top Science fiction movies you should watch.

In vacation times we all become bored too. We all were founding anything to kill our time but, I have some movies you might like to watch. These movies are fulfilled with science, adventure, action, and thrill. So, let's start to spend your time with out of the world movies and enjoy this time. 1) Prometheus                                                       Theoretically released poster The movie Prometheus is one of all-time best sci-fi movies. This movie is directed by Ridley Scott and written by Jon Spaihts and Damon Lindelof. In this movie some explorers founding the origin of mankind. After getting clues to the origin of mankind, The explorers are sent to the deepest corner of the universe. But, Their hopes are shattered when they find something unimaginable. I just want to request you if you are a crazy lover of mystery and thrill y...